I Will Help: Lawrence

A few days ago I did an informal survey to the collective 1,000+ people that follow our ministry on Facebook and Twitter:

If I were to regularly post pressing needs of personal Ugandan friends, would you be interested in giving small $’s to help change lives?

Many of our friends and followers said yes to this impromptu mission that goes beyond our regularly scheduled programs and ministries – they would want to be involved. So from time to time, you’ll see posts on this blog, on Facebook, and on Twitter, that give you opportunity to turn your pocket change into life change for people we are personally in contact with. Any amount, from $1 and up, will make a huge difference in the lives of these needy friends.

Here’s our opening occasion:

My friend Lawrence is a brother from our life group in Entebbe. He’s been looking for a job for a few months and has done some odd jobs around our house in the meantime. His landlord has recently informed him that he must find a new place to live by the end of the month, and with no income and while caring for his two year old son, his situation seems impossible. To top it all off, Lawrence was robbed of all his clothes Friday while away at an overnight prayer meeting. I’m raiding my closet to get him more than one set of clothes to wear, but you can help us refurnish his wardrobe. Click here to help.

All contributions given through this site are tax-deductible through our administrative partner, The Cause.

Update 12 June, 2009:
Thank you for your generous donations! The $50 that came in for Lawrence will not only help him with new clothes, but will also pay his rent for up to three months. A little bit goes a long way in Uganda.

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