From My Journal

2 Kings Chapter 42 Kings 8-13
The prophet Elisha’s ministry was supernatural. The influence of this mighty man of God on the nation of Israel and far beyond its borders stretched past his lifetime to the present day.

Probably because of his own tendency to be stubbornly persistent (plowing with 12 yoke of oxen, refusing to leave Elijah) and the powerful results of this response, he constantly commanded people to take an active part in their miracle.

Twice he asked for ingredients to heal a pot or spring. Without their bringing there would be no change.

They were to bring him a musician, and once they did the word was heard: dig ditches in the valley to contain the flow of water coming from the Lord. Without their efforts, the life-giving water could not be utilized.

He told the poor widow to gather jars from her neighbors and the miraculous flow of oil that resulted was in direct proportion to the capacity she had created through her obedience to the word to gather “not a few jars.”

After showing him the symbolic significance of the arrows, he told King Joram to strike the ground. The king’s lackluster action due to his absence of faith produced minimal results in proportion to his response.

Jesus said, “According to your faith let it be unto you.” And it seems right that He would act for the one who waits for him with a faith-filled response of expectation. Though I am not the miracle worker and have no power within me to alter my situation, I have the ability to create capacity that Jesus can then fill with his miraculous self-directed virtue.

Jesus, I believe you today, help my unbelief. I choose to create room for you in my life, my schedule, my ways. Fill me full to overflowing according to and beyond my faith and capacity. I need your work in me. Enlarge my heart for more and more of you.

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