The Harvest is Plentiful…

An extremely important question I really need you to weigh in on:

If I were to issue a compelling argument for reaching the remainder of the world’s population with the Gospel of Jesus Christ, provide systematic training to equip you for cross-cultural ministry, and guarantee lifetime provision for you and your family, would you offer yourself as a missionary for the remainder of your time on earth, using your talents to finish the Great Commission in your lifetime?

If not, why not?

If so, when do we get started? =)

5 thoughts on “The Harvest is Plentiful…”

  1. It did seem like a loaded question, Brent. I was challenged by it, and maybe a little frightened. I know that God has to be the one issuing the invitation, so since you’re not Him the pressure is off a little. 🙂 Having said that, I will tell you this: when I said yes to Africa back in 2002, even though I KNEW I would die there, it became my finest hour. I would do it again.

  2. I have been thinking the last few days about your question. 🙂 I recently read The Radical Experiment….very eye opening book for an American. Really made me ask my self if I am living the Great Call on my life, or just living the American Dream going to church every Sunday and a few Bible studies every once and while. I want to go any where and be where ever God wants me to serve the real God Dream-to remember my true purpose as a child of God. My purpose is to bring as many people to heaven with me. So what am I doing about that? Right now I think I am where I am suppose to be, but I ask my self if I am “doing” what I am to be doing.

    I have to remind myself that I am responsible for my actions, or lack of them. Not my family, job, or social life should lead me in what direction I go.

    So my heart is there…..however I do not feel that this is the time to leave McCall. That is why I focus on now, where I am and am waiting on God’s timing to bring me to that season. And that is why I would have to say “no” for now, knowing that there will be a day I will say “yes”.

    For now, God has me in McCall for a reason and with purpose.

  3. Sure! Just find us a way to get my husband out of the army and we’d be glad to! For the time being, our community is our mission field. I admit though, I often forget that! It always seems like it would be easier to minister to the people around me if I was a “missionary” so I’m working on having that mindset without it being my “job.”

  4. Brent, your blog post has decided to camp out in the back of my mind for, oh a month now? Is that how long it has been on here? I have my own thoughts and things about it. But, I have had a tag-along thought to my own, “What are your thoughts about your own post?” I honestly have been extremely curious to hear what you have to say. Feel up to sharing and weighing in on your own post? Thanks!!

  5. Rose, here’s some of my Dad’s reply to the question: “You are uniquely qualified to ask this question. The above mentioned plan has been working beautifully for you and family for several years now with every expectation that it will continue for the rest of your life.” I think this is more than just wanting everyone else to do what I’m doing. The Scripture is very clear about a believer’s responsibility (& what an honor!) to reach the world with the good news, and I’m increasingly shocked at the largely unfinished task and those who are “at ease in Zion” (the unconcerned Church – especially the prosperous Western Church that has every resource available to finish the Great Commission in our lifetime). The Harvest is rotting in the fields while those willing to labor are few. I’m praying that the Scriptural call of God, the response to the prayers of God’s people, and the example of other missionaries on the fields of the world will serve as an extra nudge to many who fear to step out to do the only worthwhile task we’re left on the planet to accomplish: saving it. The question really lies with the willingness of the individual, since all else will readily be provided for. Check out this article:

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